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College Union


Every College affiliated to the Kerala University of Health Sciences shall have a College Students Union hereinafter called the Govt. College of Nursing Students union


The VIKA College Union is a dynamic and inclusive organization dedicated to fostering collaboration, innovation and excellence within the college community. Our mission is to empower the students, faculty and staff by creating opportunities for personal growth, professional development and collective engagement.
The objectives of the union shall be:
(i) To train the students of the college in the duties, responsibilities and rights of citizenship (ii) to promote opportunities for the development of character leadership, efficiency, knowledge and spirit of service among the students.
(iii) To organize debates, seminars, work squad, torus and similar other activities,
(iv) To encourage sports, arts and other cultural, educational and recreational activities that are incidental and conductive to the above objectives and
(v) To work for the general welfare of the college and to support every activities proposed by College or University like Student Support and Guidance Programme.
3. The College may have one or more associations besides the College Union according to the different subjects taught at the degree and/or post-graduate level in the College as main subject.
4. (i) All students of the College shall Ipso Facto be ordinary members of the union and shall have the right to vote and contest in the elections of the union, unless they are otherwise disqualifled.
(ii) Every ordinary member of the union can become a member of the other associations, according to his/her main optional subject or second language
(iii) Every ordinary member shall pay the prescribed fee towards the College Union fund .The fees shall be paid with the flrst installment of the fees as per the instructions from the General and Academic branch of the Kerala University of Health Sciences from time to time. The magazine fee shall be flxed by the college authorities as per the advice of the magazine committee under intimation to the General and Academic branch.


The term of College Union shall be one year from the date of its constitution or till the reconstitution of new college union whichever is earlier. A member or an office – bearer will cease to be a member or office bearer of the college Union (as the case may be) if he/she ceases to be a student of the College.


The Union shall have College Union Council comprising of the following Offices Unit adviser : ASMI
(i) a Chairperson
(ii) )(a) a Vice Chairperson – General
(ii) )(b) a Vice Chairperson- Reserved for Women
(iii) a General Secretary
(iv) a Joint Secretary
(v) two University Union Councilors to the KUHS Students Union (One councilor elected from the students of all UG classes and one from students of all PG/Super specialty classes.
(vi) a Secretary Fine Arts
(vii) a Students Editor of the College Magazine
(viii) a Secretary Sports and Games
(ix) Secretaries of various College associations
(x) One representative from each of UG course for each year and one from PG representative elected from students of all PG classes together.


Chairperson:-The Chairperson shall ordinarily preside over all the meeting of the Union Council and Executive Council and shall guide the activities of the Union.
Vice Chairperson:- The Vice Chairperson shall act as chairperson in the absence of latter and assist the Chairperson in the discharge office duties.
Secretary:- The Secretary shall issue notices of the meetings of the functions of College Union and keeps the minutes of the meetings. He shall take steps to carry out the decisions of the Union Council and Executive Council and shall be the custodian of all records relating to the Union.
Joint Secretary:- Joint Secretary will act as the Secretary in the absence of the latter and shall assist the Secretary. The Secretary flne Arts shall primarily be responsible for promoting the artistic talents of the students and for this purpose it shall be his duty to organize activities and functions.
The Student Editor:- Shall be responsible for the publication of the college magazine with help of the magazine Committee which shall consist of
( i) The Student Editor,
(ii)The Chairperson of the Union
(iii)The Secretary of the Union
(iv)The Staff Advisor of the Union nominated by the Principal. No student of the flnal year class of any course of the College shall be eligible to contest the election as the Student Editor of the College Magazine.

  The Councilor / Councilors of the University Students Union will represent the College Students Union in the University Students Union.The Principal will be the Ex-Officio President of the Union and shall have the authority to suspend any or all activities of the Union, with the prior approval of the Vice Chancellor, if in his opinion circumstances warrant such action.

  The Staff Advisor shall be nominated by the President from among the members of the teaching staff of the College. The funds of the Union shall be kept in the joint account of the Principal and Secretary of the Union, Opened in a nationalized bank and shall be operated by both of them .