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Extension Services

Extension Services

The College focuses on providing extension services to the community as well as services within the college which enriches the student’s personality and morale. Providing extension services also boosts up the local community’s health status as well.

Community Services

  • Medical camps are organized by the students of College of Nursing in collaboration with NSS and as part of community health nursing experience.
  • Organization of clinics including immunization clinic, antenatal clinic, NCD Clinic etc
  • Participate in National Health Programme in the form of survey, screening and providing care in the community.
  • Health Assessment Surveys
  • Health Exhibitions
  • Adolescent counseling Services to the general public is provided.
  • Suicide Risk Screening Programmes
  • Vision Screening Programmes are conducted in the community at regular intervals.
  • Health education to community regarding prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of the disease
  • School Health Programmes are conducted each year on an average of 6 programmes per year by M Sc, B Sc, Post Basic B Sc Nursing and GNM Students.
  • Recreation Programmes conducted by students in Mental Health Centre, Peroorkada each year for the residents.
  • All major Awareness Day’s are celebrated by the students in College each year.
  • Cancer Awareness Day Celebration -4-2-2017: A flash mob was conducted and a class regarding the cancer awareness was taken for the public at Shanghumugam Beach.
  • Women’s day Celebrations –was conducted focusing on empowering women.
  • Charity club (Santhwanam)- was inaugurated by the Medical Superintendent of MCH, Trivandrum, which focuses on providing financial support to poor patients in Medical College Hospital, Trivandrum and SAT, Hospital, Trivandrum.
  • Blood Donation Club: Students donates blood for patients in RCC, MCH, and SAT

Students Services

  • Health Club: As a part of which Yoga Classes are being provided to students, education regarding diet and exercise are also given.
  • Wall magazine (Mashi)- arts and literary creations are being posted on the wall.
  • Academic learning club: provides academic support and tutoring for junior students by seniors.
  • Quiz club: weekly preparation of information booklet named “Focus Point”.
  • Nature club: ensures the college is eco friendly
  • Co- curricular activities for the overall development of the students, annual meets, and inter-collegiate festival are organized by student organizations viz. SNA and KBNSA.
  • Sports activities of the students are undertaken by SNA and KBNSA. Separate sports club is not functioning independently.