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Institutional Ethics Committee

Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC)

Institutional Ethics Committee of Government College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram has been constituted in the year 2011. It consists of the following category of members.


  • Chairperson - Dr.Kalakesavan p
  • Dr. J olly Jose
  • Dr. Reneega Gangadhar
  • Mr. Palayam Rajan
  • Dr. Harikumaran Nair G S
  • Adv. B R Syam
  • Dr. Nirmala C
  • Dr. Remadevi S
  • Dr. Sindhu L
  • Dr. Sona P S
  • Dr. Preetha S
After getting clearance from the research committee the protocol has to be submitted to the IEC. The fees for submitting proposals to IEC is as follows

Department Fees
PhD 5000
(no exemption for faculty)
MPhil 3000
SBMR project 2000
MSc Nursing 1000

From the third resubmission onwards MPhil and PhD scholars has to pay Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 500/ for MSc nursing students. The amount should be paid to the Treasurer, IEC.

IEC guidelines to be followed