- Working hours: The class and clinical hours are from 8 am to 5 pm for all students except MSc. Nursing students, whose duty hours are from 8 am to 7:30 pm.
- Students are obliged to observe order and silence at all times in the college especially during working hours.
- Students are forbidden to take part in political agitation against the college authority or the government. Students are prohibited from organizing any meeting or entertainment at the college, or collecting money for any purpose within the college premise, without the permission of the college authority.
- Students found guilty of going over to other colleges to take part in acts of indiscipline such as organizing demonstration and strike would be deemed and would be punished accordingly.
- Students are forbidden to affix posters, display materials and other articles on the walls of the college building and its premise without prior permission.
- Mobile phones are prohibited in the college campus. Students should wear identity card in the campus.
- Ragging in any form inside or outside the campus is considered as a criminal offence and any one found indulging in ragging in any form shall be expelled from the institution as per the Kerala prohibition of ragging ordinance,1997
- A discipline committee is in charge of ensuring a campus congenial to study. It consists of faculty members and students from NSS and Union