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Institutional Research Committee

Institutional Research Committee

Research Committee Govt. College of Nursing Thiruvananthapuram was constituted on 24th February, 2009. The main objectives of the committee are toencourage research studies among nurse researchers and settings standards for nursing research studies.

Major activities are

  • Conducting periodic meeting as scheduled
  • Scrutinising and providing suggestions to research protocols
  • Issuing approval certificate after review

Procedure for submitting protocol to research committee

The applicant (Researcher/ Principal investigator) is required to submit his/her application in a prescribed format issued by research committee along with 6 copies of the protocol, 45 days before a scheduled meeting addressed to the Principal, Government College of Nursing Thiruvananthapuram along with prescribed fees. The protocols without confirming to the guidelines of research committee will not be considered.

Members of the research committee shall consist of

  • Principal : Patron
  • Convenor
  • Secretary
  • Nursing experts from College of Nursing (Two members from each specialty)
  • Treasurer
  • Joint secretary
  • External Medical experts from Department of Psychiatry, Community Medicine and Statistics

Members of Research Committee

Sl.No: NAME POSITION Designation
1 Mrs. Aneesa S A Convenor Associate professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
2 Mrs. Aseela S Secretary Associate professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
3 Mrs. Priya J R Treasurer Assistant professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
4 Mrs. Reena A Thankaraj Members Associate professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
5 Mrs. Parthibharsani S K Members Assistant professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
6 Dr. Athirarani M R Members Assistant professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
7 Mrs. Seena B Members Assistant professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
8 Mrs. Suja J S Members Assistant professor
Govt College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram

Schedule of meeting

  • Research committee meeting will be scheduled once in every 3 months (in the month of January, April, July and October).
  • Special meetings also will be conducted as and when required
  • Advance notice along with agenda will be send out to the members 2 weeks prior to the meeting

The first review of protocol will be done by the nursing expert (two members from each specialty) one medical expert and one statistician. During the presentation by the researcher, second review will be done (7 minutes presentation, 3 minutes discussion). After getting clearance from the research committee the protocol has to be submitted to the Institutional Ethics Committee.