Parent Teacher Association
The parent teacher association of Govt.College of Nursing, Trivandrum was formed in the year 1990 and first meeting was conducted on 26.05.1990 and the founder patron was Prof. K G Savithribai.
Objectives of PTA
- Strengthen and enrich the relationship between teachers, students and parents
- Maintain discipline among students
- Enhance coordination, smooth functioning and improvement in the activities of PTA
- Encourage academically proficient students by giving scholarships, awards and medals
- Ensure high academic standards
- Accept membership fee, donations and gifts from members, non-members, other organizations and government and utilize them to satisfy the objectives of PTA
- Encourage research in nursing
- Encourage co-curricular activities among students
Organization structure of PTA Executive Committee
- Patron - Principal
- President - parent representative of IIIrd year BSc Nursing or 2nd year GNM elected by general body
- Vice-President - parent representative elected by general body
- Vice Principal
- Secretary - Teacher representative
- Joint Secretary - Teacher representative
- Treasurer - Teacher representative
- Assistant Warden of students hostel
- Class teachers of all batches
- Parent representatives from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year BSc Nursing, 1st, 2nd and 3rd year GNM, 1st and 2nd year MSc Nursing, 1st and 2nd year Post Basic Nursing and Speciality Diploma Nursing
Tenure of PTA Executive Committee :- 2 years
Present executive committee of PTA and their contact numbers
Patron | Prof. Sreedevi Amma C | 9446506060 |
President | Mr. Nazar A | 9447016369 9495055201 |
Vice president | Mrs. Shiny | 7994766104 |
Vice Principal | Prof. Sreedevi Amma C | 9495192481 |
Secretary | Mrs. Sreeja S A | 9446913894 |
Joint Secretary | Mrs. Shahana S J Asst. Professor |
7902687631 |
Treasurer | Dr. Stella Jose Assistant Professor |
9526061619 |
Assistant warden | Mrs. Anitha K S Assistant Professor |
9777054448 |
PTA Executives | Batch | PHONE NO |
Mrs. Leena S | I MSc Nursing | 9074607509 |
Mrs. Sudha T | I MSc Nursing | 633242800 |
Mr. Shanavas | I BSc Nursing | 9745195967 |
Mrs. Thara R J | I BSc Nursing | 9447444589 |
Mrs. Sherley | I BSc Nursing | 9349071449 |
Mr. Vasavan | I BSc Nursing | 9745199728 |
Mr. Hamsa A | I BSc Nursing | 9074208443 |
Mrs. Anitha Kumari | I PBBSc Nursing | 8281768578 |
Mr. Prasad | I PBBSc Nursing | 9447856728 |
Mr. Binu S | I GNM | 8590337455 |
Mrs. Mini B | I GNM | 8606311325 |
Mr. Bhuvanendran Nair | PBDS Nursing | 9447246665 |
Major activities of PTA
- Two annual general body meetings per year
- Executive committee meeting once in two months
- Support principal and faculty in decision making in student related or other issues for smooth functioning of college
- Provide financial assistance to maintenance work of college and hostel
- Appointing security and meeting their salary expenditure
- Appointing temporary clerical staff in the absence of PSC appointed clerical staff meeting their salary expenditure
- Meeting expenditure required for food and refreshment for examinations
- Donations to students for conducting college day and farewell celebrations
- Financial assistance for treatment of students and staff of hostel who need support
- Provide financial support for buying journals in the library
- Give proficiency prizes to students- 4 gram gold medal for students securing highest mark for final examination in each course (5 per year), memento for second and third highest scorers.
Recently the PTA executive committee supported the movement for creation of additional teaching posts for the effective functioning of academic activities of the college and they met the Hon. Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Kerala, discussed the matter and submitted a representation in this regard.
The Parent Teacher Association of Govt. College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram is active and vigilant for the improvement of functions of the college. The activities of the PTA is very much constructive and encouraging for the principal and faculty.