0471-2444290, 2528603, 2528601
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Library Facilities

Our library has a collection of 8551 books out of which 3500 are reference books. It has more than 400 thesis works and 12 print journals and 32 E journals. The library provides Photostat and internet services to student and faculty. There is a separate reading room for faculty and PG students within the library. There are previous question papers from KUHS, University of Kerala and KNMC which are available for students reference

Library Rules

Library will be kept open from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days.

Library is for the use of students and staff of this college.  Personal belongings and lab coats are not permitted inside the library.

PG students are eligible to take three books, BSc Nursing, Post Basic and Post Basic diploma students are allowed to take two books and GNM students are permitted to take one book at a time.

Books are issued for the students for the period of 14 days.

Fine of Rs 1 per day will be collected for returning of books after due date.

Do not use mobile phone in library.

Maintain silence inside the library.

If any book is lost or damaged it should be replaced with the latest edition or the cost of the damaged book will have to be paid by the borrower.

Borrower should return the books by themselves.

Previous KUHS Question Papers

Rules for using library for outsider

      • Students should bring their institutional ID cards
      • Permission to use the library must be obtained from the Principal
      • A sum of Rs 100 should be remitted for using the library daily

Library committee

The library committee aims at promoting equitable access to all information resources. The committee has responsibility of recommending, purchasing and selecting books for the library. The committee consists of Librarian, Faculty and students.