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MSc Nursing

MSc Nursing

The post graduate programme in Govt. College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram, was started in the year 1987 in Medical Surgical Nursing specialty with an annual intake of 4. Now the college offers Msc.Nursing in five specialties – Medical Surgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing and Mental Health Nursing- with an annual intake of 39 students. Aim of the postgraduate programme in nursing is to prepare nurses to assume responsibilities as Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Practitioners, Consultants, Educators, Researchers and Administrators in a wide variety of professional settings. The duration of course is 2 years. Students are eligible for monthly stipend throughout the course.

Specialities offered by the College

Sl No. Specialties Number of seats
1 Medical Surgical Nursing 8
2 Child Health Nursing 8
3 Community Health Nursing 8
4 Obstetric And Gynecological Nursing 4
5 Mental Health Nursing 8
Total 36
Minimum educational requirement is regular degree course in nursing (B.Sc Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc Nursing), with minimum of 55% aggregate marks, from an institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council. The selection process is through the commissioner of entrance examination. One-year experience is required for applying for the course (either clinical/teaching). Optional bonded lectureship is available for the course for duration of 1 year. For details visit

The syllabus and scheme of examination is as per KUHS. For more details visit